The Borzoi

The Borzoi is a large and elegant hound stemming from Russia where the aristocracy bred them for hundreds of years. There are records stemming back to the 13th century that describe hounds very much like the Borzoi, and the first breed standard was written in 1650.

These dogs were often used for hunting wolves, and they are bred to be strong and quick enough to be able to chase and capture a wolf. They are extremely fast and run between 35 and 40 mph.

When they’re not running, Borzoi are known for being calm and easy to get along with. They are quiet, affectionate, and independent.

Borzoi require regular exercise and grooming. Brush the coat every day, or at least every second day, and be prepared for seasonal shedding.

These are large dogs. Males often stand 28 inches or more at the shoulder, and weigh around 100 pounds. Despite the size they’re graceful and catlike indoors.

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